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A better way to build your next web3 project.

Level up your Developer Experience

with the Developer Acceleration eXperience for Smart-contract Organizations.

I built Dax.So to do one thing: Streamline the setup and deployment of blockchain projects.

After countless projects and many years on this tech, together with Consensys, we have lots of opinions and insights. We've done our best to encode them into this CLI.

This is NOT an all-inclusive template. We expect you to bring your own libraries. Check out our other recommendations for things like state management and deployment.

What is Dax.So?

Dax.So is a CLI for building and deploying smart contracts.

With Dax.So, entrepreneurs and developers can quickly launch their next crypto project with a single command. Our CLI allows users to easily install packages, deploy smart contracts, run tests, and execute other pre-defined tasks using simple commands. This helps to save time and effort for developers, especially those who are new to blockchain development or unfamiliar with writing complex scripts.

With Dax.So, entrepreneurs and developers can quickly launch their next crypto project with a single command. Our CLI allows users to easily install packages, deploy smart contracts, run tests, and execute other pre-defined tasks using simple commands. This helps to save time and effort for developers, especially those who are new to blockchain development or unfamiliar with writing complex scripts.

The best of the blockchain ecosystem...

...built with all the best tools

Configuration out of the box. Ready to go.

Infura is a scalable and reliable API that provides access to Ethereum and IPFS networks for developers. It allows developers to easily build and deploy decentralized applications without having to run their own nodes or infrastructure.
Truffle is a popular development environment, testing framework, and asset pipeline for building decentralized applications (dApps) on the Ethereum blockchain. It provides developers with a suite of tools for compiling, deploying, and managing smart contracts, as well as testing and debugging dApps.
Consensys is the leading blockchain and web3 software company. Since 2014, Consensys has been at the forefront of innovation, pioneering technological developments within the web3 ecosystem. Their mission is to inspire and empower the builder in everyone by making web3 universally easy to use and develop on.
OpenZeppelin is a battle-tested library for secure smart contract development on the Ethereum blockchain. It provides developers with a set of reusable and audited smart contract building blocks, that can be integrated into their apps to enhance security and reduce development time.
React is a popular open-source JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It allows developers to create reusable UI components that can be easily combined to create complex, interactive applications. React is able to efficiently update and render UI components, even in large and complex applications.
Next.js is a popular open-source React framework for building server-side rendered (SSR) web applications. It provides developers with a powerful set of tools and features for building complex, highly performant web applications quickly and easily.